Checkout our website for prospective students.

Dr. Tong Receives NSF Research Award

Dr. Yan Tong, along with Dr. Chen Li from Mechanical Engineering, has received a research award from the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS)/NSF for "Understanding the Gravity Effect on Flow Boiling Through High-Solution Experiments and Machine Learning."


The challenging objective of developing the deep models of flow boiling will be achieved by three major research tasks... A generative adversarial network (GAN)-based model will be developed to create images of two-phase flow patterns so as to establish a framework to understand and even quantify the effects of major forces on extremely complex two-phase flow patterns.

Dr. Hu Receives Award from NIH

Dr. Hu has received a research award from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)/NIH for his project on "Patterns and predictors of viral suppression: A Big Data approach."

SmartSight Project Unleashes Power of On-Device AI, Edge and Cloud Computing

Pooyan Jamshidi, an assistant professor of computer science and engineering, is a principal investigator on a three-year $500,000 NSF collaborative grant to develop the intelligence and computing capabilities for a smart device dubbed SmartSight. The platform will enable on-device artificial intelligence to improve real-time perception for blind and visually impaired users. Read the full story at A new way to 'see'.

Dr. Zeng Receives NSF Grant Award

We would like to congratulate Dr. Qiang Zeng for acquiring a National Science Foundation (NSF) research award for his project titled "Towards Understanding and Handling Problems Due to Coexistence of Multiple IoT Platforms."

Capstone Projects Showcase 2021

This year the students in the Senior Capstone course developed 40 apps either for industrial clients, for USC members, or for themselves. There were:

  • 11 web applications using technologies such as Django, node, express, Angular, react, Vue, firebase, AWS.
  • 21 mobile apps using Android, XCode, iOnic, react native, firebase.
  • 8 desktop apps using technologies such as Unity and .NET C#.

You can watch video demos and see screenshots of all the apps right now! If you are interested in having students build an app for you, note that we are looking for clients for next year.

Dr. Huang Receives Distinguished Research Service Award

Dr. Chin-Tser Huang has been selected as a recipient of the 2021 Distinguished Research Service Award. The Office of the Vice President for Research created this award in 2018 to recognize faculty throughout the UofSC system who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to UofSC’s research community through service as a reviewer and committee member for UofSC’s internal funding and awards programs.

Best Poster Award at ACM HotMobile for Timothy Dayne Hooks and Hem Regmi

We are proud to announce that several students in Dr. Sanjib Sur's research lab won the Best Poster Awards at ACM HotMobile 2021. Namely:
  • Timothy Dayne Hooks and Hem Regmi won the Best Poster Award for their research on "VisualMM: Visual Data & Learning Aided 5G Picocell Placement".
  • Hem Regmi and Moh Sabbir Saadat won the Best Poster Runner-up Award for their work on "ZigZagCam: Pushing the Limits of Hand-held Millimeter-Wave Imaging.

Outstanding Senior Award

Each year the Faculty of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) award four Outstanding Senior Awards. This process is never easy given the many excellent and accomplished students in our program. This year, we have decided that the 2021 Computer Science and Engineering Outstanding Senior Awards go to:
  • Hunter Damron: Computer Science Outstanding Senior Award.
  • Warren Beagle: Computer Information Systems Outstanding Senior Award.
  • James Johnson: Computer Engineering Outstanding Senior Award.
  • Niharika Pandala. Computer Engineering SCSPE Award.
All awardees will be honored at the University Awards Day ceremony. In addition, Pandala will be honored at a special awards banquet of the South Carolina Society of Professional Engineers .

Magellan Scholars: Spring 2021

We congratulate the following Computer Science undergraduate students for receiving a Magellan Scholar Award for Spring 2021.
  • Griffin Carter : Investigating the Effects of Nanoparticle Delivery to Myoblasts on Differentiation into Myotubes
  • Praful Chunchu : Real-time Patient Monitoring on Wearable Devices Using Neuromorphic Computing
  • Hunter Damron : Enumerating Symmetrical Domino Tilings
  • Matthew Duggan : Concluding Successful Nesting of Limosa limosa with Geolocation Data
  • Timothy Hooks: Visual Data Augmented 5G Millimeter-Wave Picocell Placement
  • Anne Tumlin : Information Routing with Ocean Sensor Nodes

Dr. Amit Sheth Named 2020 ACM Fellow

Dr. Amit Sheth has been named one of the 2020 ACM Fellows. The ACM Fellows program recognizes the top 1% of ACM Members for their outstanding accomplishments in computing and information technology and/or outstanding service to ACM and the larger computing community. Fellows are nominated by their peers, with nominations reviewed by a distinguished selection committee.

More information at the ACM Fellows website. See also Sheth named a Fellow by the Association for Computing Machinery.

Departmental Awards

The 2020 CSE departmental awards are based on evidence from CY2019 Annual Evaluations and data provided by the college. They are:

Junior Researcher (Assistant or Associate Professor) Award: Pooyan Jamshidi

Senior Researcher (Full Professor) Award: Amit Sheth

Undergraduate Teaching Award: Jose Vidal

Graduate Teaching Award: Song Wang

Service Award: Jason O’Kane

Most Valuable Professor (MVP) Award: Csilla Farkas

Pooyan Jamshidi had an excellent year with a strong combination of research expenditures, new research awards, new funding proposals, and refereed publications.

Amit Sheth also had an excellent year as he continued to build the AI Institute; he had an excellent combination of research expenditures, new research awards, new funding proposals, and refereed publications – all of which were among the highest in the department.

Jose Vidal continues to make substantial and invaluable contributions in undergraduate teaching – including teaching our huge capstone courses, leading the Undergraduate Committee, handling undergraduate student requests (e.g., overrides, course substitutions, prereq waivers), and contributing to the department’s ongoing ABET efforts.

Song Wang receives excellent teaching evaluations for his graduate-level courses. He also manages a large research group (~10 Ph.D. students) and spends a lot of time and effort leading that group. He has also graduated several doctoral students.

Jason O'Kane has served so many critical service roles for the Department over the last few years including service as the CSE Associate Chair of Academics and as a junior faculty mentor; participation on the CSE Graduate Committee, CSE Qualifying Exam Committee, and CSE Assessment Committee; and representation of UofSC CSE at the Computing@SEC workshop. At the university level, he served as a member of the Carolina Judicial Council and as a Carolina Scholar mentor. Jason has done this and much more in support of the Department, College, and University.

Csilla Farkas has contributed substantially to all fronts – research, teaching, and service. She has a strong research record with substantial research expenditures and many refereed publications. She teaches critical cybersecurity courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels with excellent course and instructor ratings. She also recently graduated 3.5 Ph.D. students (that is, she was the co-advisor of one student). Of course, Csilla’s service to the department, college, and university continues to be stellar.