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Outstanding Senior Award

Each year the Faculty of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) award four Outstanding Senior Awards. This process is never easy given the many excellent and accomplished students in our program. This year, we have decided that the 2020 Computer Science and Engineering Outstanding Senior Awards go to:
  • Samyuktha Comandur (first from left): Computer Science Outstanding Senior Award.
  • Joshua Mulliken (second): Computer Information Systems Outstanding Senior Award.
  • Andres Pineda (third): Computer Engineering Outstanding Senior Award.
  • Caleb Conner (fourth). Computer Engineering SCSPE Award.
All awardees will be honored at the University Awards Day ceremony. In addition, Conner will be honored at a special awards banquet of the South Carolina Society of Professional Engineers You can find more detailed coverage on the College News page. .

Magellan Scholars: Spring 2020

We congratulate the following Computer Science undergraduate students for receiving a Magellan Scholar Award for Spring 2020.
  • Stephen Baione: Ensemble of Many Weak Defenses: Defending Deep Neural Networks Against Adversarial Attacks
  • Blake Edwards: Multi-stage Compression of Deep Neural Networks through Pruning and Knowledge Distillation
  • Shayon Ghoshroy: Deep Residual Learning for Computational Identification of Amino Acids
  • Clio Lang: Is the Lesson Learned? A Study on Dissemination of Fake News in 2016 and 2020 Presidential Elections
  • Christian Loftis: Genetic programming based Symbolic Regression for Material Thermal Conductivity Prediction
  • Tien Nguyen: How Well Can the Robot Swim: Quantifying the Performance of Aqua_Nav
  • Julian Rachele: Expanding upon REDCRAFT and REDCAT for Analyzing and Characterizing Proteins from Residual Dipolar Couplings
  • Naga Venkata Sai Satti: MassBLAST: An Automated and Convenient Webtool for Genome-Wide Sequence Analysis

Dr Wang Receives Research Awards from SCDNR and DOD

We are happy to announce that Dr. Song Wang has received research awards for two different projects: "SnowVision: A Machine Learning-Based Image Processing Tool for the Study of Native American Paddle Designs" is funded by the SC Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR)/NEH, and "Dendroid Core Detection and Tracking for Directionally Solidified Ni-Based Alloys" is funded by UES, Inc./AFRL/DOD .

Halloween Party

The department held it's 1st Annual Halloween Graduate Student and Faculty Appreciation Brunch on October 30. It was great to see everyone in a more social setting! We enjoyed getting to know our students better over breakfast and we look forward to our next social. Click below to see more photos from the event.

New Faculty: Dr. Amit Sheth, and New AI Institute

We are excited that Dr. Amit Sheth has joined us this Fall and brought with him the Artificial Intelligence Institute. The institute, created under the recent excellence initiative, is led by Prof. Amit Sheth, a researcher, educator and entrepreneur. With a proven leadership record of creating world-class research centers and funding record (> $33 million), Sheth launched three companies by licensing his university-developed technologies and advised 30 PhDs who now have highly successful careers in academia, industry research and entrepreneurship.

New Faculty: Dr. Ramtin Zand

We are happy to welcome a new faculty member, Dr. Ramtin Zand, this Fall. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Central Florida. His research interests involve Hardware Design for Machine Learning Systems, Neuromorphic Computing, Emerging Nanoscale Electronics including spintronic devices, Reconfigurable and Adaptive Computer Architectures, and Low-Power and Reliability-Aware VLSI Circuits. His office is Room 2211 at the Storey Innovation Center.

Reminder: We Have a BS/MS Accelerated Program

This is Dr. Matt Thatcher, Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. I want to make you aware of an excellent opportunity available to you – the Bachelor’s/Masters Accelerated Program. This is a combined B.S./M.S degree program available to undergraduate students in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) with 90 or more hours earned toward their baccalaureate degrees. Students accepted into this program must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.40 and at least 3.40 in the course work taken in CSE. Up to 12 credit hours at the 500 level or above may be applied toward both the B.S. and M.S. degree requirements; this means that with one additional year of study you will leave USC with both a B.S. and an M.S. degree!

The approval of the student's advisor and the graduate director is required. You must have approval before enrolling in the 500 level or above courses in order for them to apply toward this accelerated degree program. So, make sure to contact the graduate director (via this link) soon to learn more about this opportunity; when you complete the contact form at this link please select Graduate admissions or questions as the Category. I hope everyone has a wonderful Fall Break! Sincerely, Matt E. Thatcher, Ph.D. Professor and Chair

Multiple Faculty Positions at UofSC AI Institute

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Institute ( is a new university-wide institute engaged in core AI research, as well as high-impact interdisciplinary research involving AI implementations and applications. It is an outcome of the university’s Presidential Excellence Initiative, which seeks to bring national prominence to our college and university through AI research and its economic impact. This institute is the newest strategic focus area for the College and comes on the heel of other strategic hiring initiatives that have resulted in the addition of 30 new tenured or tenure track faculty since August 2017. We seek multiple tenured and tenure-track faculty members at all ranks and in all core-AI subareas, including scholars in interdisciplinary fields at the intersection of AI with computational engineering disciplines.
  • For core-AI: Applicant is required to possess a Ph.D. degree in computer science or a closely related field by the beginning date of employment and have a demonstrated superior record of research accomplishments.
  • For interdisciplinary AI: Applicant is required to possess a Ph.D. degree in one of the areas/departments covered by the College by the beginning date of employment and have a demonstrated expertise and impact in AI implementations and applications.
  • The successful applicant is expected to develop internationally-recognized, externally-funded research programs that: (1) broaden the institution’s strengths, (2) leverage exceptional interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities (the AI Institute has collaborations with other UofSC colleges, including public health, medicine, pharmacy, nursing, information and communication, education, and arts and science, and (3) align with vital college-level, cross-cutting research themes, including smart & connected communities, transformative computing, healthcare transformations, and agile manufacturing (for example, see
  • The successful applicant is expected to demonstrate evidence of commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through research, teaching, and/or service efforts.
Research areas of special interest include:
  • Human in the loop or knowledge-enhanced AI, deep learning, natural language processing, question-answering/conversational AI, brain-inspired computing, semantic/cognitive/perceptual computing;
  • AI and Big data - including social, sensor, biological, and health - and scalable computing/analysis of big data;
  • AI and computer vision, robotics, cyber-physical systems, human-computer interaction including personal digital/assistive technology, autonomous vehicles, etc.
The faculty will have the appointment with the new AI Institute and will have a tenure and teaching home with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering or another department in the College of Engineering and Computing ( For example, a core-AI position may have tenure-track or tenured appointment in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The departments generally offer B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees as well as certificates on specialized topics in respective areas. CEC is ranked among top 100 engineering colleges in the nation, and has many NSF CAREER Award recipients (e.g., Computer Science & Engineering has 10 recipients). Teaching load is very attractive and appropriate for developing a robust research program. The AI Institute has exceptional computational infrastructure and resources. The first phase of a 20,000 sq. ft. space will be ready for Fall 2020. Contact Prof. Amit Sheth ( for more information. Review of applications will begin November 1, 2019 and continue until positions are filled. Expected start date January 1, 2020 or later. Interested applicants must apply online at with a: (1) letter of intent, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) concise description of research plans, (4) teaching plan, and (5) names and contact information of 3 references for a junior faculty rank and 5 references for a senior faculty rank (references can be contacted later in the process for a senior position). The University of South Carolina does not discriminate in educational or employment opportunities on the basis of race, sex, gender, age, color, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, genetics, protected veteran status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions. Posted on ACM jobs board.

Dr. Bakos Receives NSF Grant Award

Please congratulate Austin Downey (PI) and Jason Bakos (Co-PI) for receiving a collaborative NSF grant. This is a collaborative grant with Iowa State University and UofSC is the lead institution. Austin Downey (PI) is from Mechanical Engineering and Jason Bakos from Computer Science and Engineering. The project is titled "A Programming Model and Platform Architecture for Real-time Machine Learning for Sub-second Systems". This project develops and evaluates novel frameworks for achieving real-time machine learning; that is, for a given target application that is producing a lot of data, how to process that data to concurrently prediction what comes next while learning from the past data at the same pace of the target application.