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Capstone Projects Showcase 2022

This year the students in the Senior Capstone course developed 40 apps. There were

  • 12 web applications using technologies such as Django, node, express, Angular, react, Vue, firebase, AWS.
  • 21 Android or iOS mobile apps using technologies such as Android Studio, Flutter, React Native Android, XCode, Firebase.
  • 7 desktop apps using technologies such as Unreal Engine, Unity, C#, Pygame.

You can view all the video demos online. If you are interested in proposing an idea for the team's next year, then let us know.

Instructor: UofSC CSE Department

Instructors will be required to teach courses in computer science and engineering, which may include computer programming (Python, Java, C++), web programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), computer engineering (architecture, embedded systems, advanced digital logic), data structures and algorithms, databases, operating systems, networks, computer security, software engineering, and capstone courses. Duties could also include teaching computer science and computer engineering courses to high ability students in the South Carolina Honors College. Additional duties outside of the classroom will include participation in student engagement activities such as student advising and recruitment.

Required Education and Experience    
Minimum requirements are a Master’s degree in computer science or a closely related field by the beginning date of employment and a commitment to excellence in teaching.

Preferred Qualifications    
Master’s degree in computer science or a closely related field and a commitment to excellence in teaching.

Apply here.

Jacqueline Schellberg Awarded the 2022 IEEE MTT-S Undergraduate Scholarship

Jacqueline Schellberg, an undergraduate student in the CSE department, has received a competitive 2022 undergraduate scholarship from the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S). She will be honored by MTT-S in June 2022 in Denver, CO.

Only 10 to 11 MTT-S undergraduate scholarships are presented worldwide each year. Past years' fellows came from Australia, Canada, China, Malaysia, Russia, and the USA. For the USA, the scholars are from top institutions, such as the University of California Los Angeles, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, University of Washington, University of Maryland - College Park, Princeton University, etc.

This undergraduate scholarship will support Schellberg's project related to handheld, through-obstruction millimeter-wave imaging on 5G smart devices. The project could enable beyond-traditional-vision applications, such as non-intrusive package inspection and mobile physical security. She has already published a conference article related to the project at the ACM UbiComp 2021.

Schellberg is a rising junior student at USC in Computer Engineering. Her research interests include millimeter-wave imaging and RF motion tracking. She is also the recipient of many other honors and awards, including the ACM UbiComp 2021 Best Poster Honorable Mention, Spring 2022 Magellan Scholar Award, and was invited to participate in the 2021 Grace Hopper Celebration Conference from the CSE department.

Schellberg works under the supervision of Dr. Sanjib Sur, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering.

The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) is a transnational society with more than 10,500 members and 190 chapters worldwide. This society promotes the advancement of microwave theory and its applications, including RF, microwave, millimeter-wave, and terahertz technologies.

CSE Faculty Research Awards

We report that six of our faculty members have received research awards. They are:

  • Yan Tong from Office of Naval Research (ONR)/DOD for "Reliable Perception for Unmanned Maritime Systems"
  • Jason Bakos from Savannah River National Lab/DOE for "A Unified Machine Learning Framework for Corrosion Surveillance"
  • Amit Sheth 
    • from BMW for "Proactive and Automated Material Control -- BMW" Co-PI Forest Agostinelli
    • from SC Department of Commerce for "Proactive and Automated Material Control -- SC Dept of Commerce" Co-PI Forest Agostinelli
    • from College of Charleston/NASA EPSCoR for "Augmenting Physics-Based Design and Multi-Physics Based Manufacturing with Data Driven Models to Manufacture Advanced Composites Structures with Automated Fiber Placement"
  • Srihari Nelakuditi from NSF for "REU Supplement for MRI: Acquisition of Omnipercipient Chamber for Gathering Ground Truth and Enabling Research on Smart and Connected Things"
  • Homay Valafar from Pennington Biomedical Research Center/Louisiana State University for "The Smartwatch Pilot Project"

Dr Sheth Ranked in Top Computer Scientists in the World

We would like to congratulate Dr. Amit Sheth. He was recently ranked by as one of the Top Computer Scientists in the world. More specifically, he was ranked:

  • #80 in World
  • #50 in the U.S.

with a 111 H-Index, 47,049 citations, and 581 publications.

For context, Amit was ranked close to notable Computer Scientists such as Turing Award winner Yan Lecun (#76, #46) and Co-Director of Stanford’s Human AI Institute Li Fei-Fei (#74, #45)

Congratulations to Amit for this well-deserved recognition. We are proud to have one of the world’s Top Computer Scientists in the CSE Department and leading the UofSC AI Institute.

Dr. Sur Receives NSF Career Award

We are proud to announce that Dr. Sanjib Sur has received an NSF Career Award for his project titled "Vision and Learning Augmented D-Band Networking and Imaging".

This project aims to enable the practical adoption of D-band mmWave networks and applications by solving the fundamental challenges in deployment, link adaptation, coordination, and unified networking-imaging. Specifically, the project explores an optical vision and deep learning augmented paradigm by thoroughly understanding the physical properties of the D-band channel, building measurement-driven empirical and learning models, and designing practical, real-time systems. Successful execution of this project would enable the following. (1) A framework for optimal deployment and a “what-if” analysis tool to help optimize the cost and benefits of D-band deployment in both indoor and outdoor environments. (2) Link adaptation and coordination protocols that significantly minimize latency and maximize throughput and efficiency for scalable D-band networking. (3) A unified networking-imaging protocol that reduces disruptions to the throughput and latency and overcomes challenges with the channel specularity to enable high-resolution D-band images. The project will design, build, and empirically validate the proposed systems in a D-band testbed, and th


Dr. Zeng Receives NSF Career Award

We are proud to announce that Dr. Qiang Zeng has received an NSF Career Award for his project titled "Towards Secure and Usable IoT Authentication Under Constraints".

The project seeks to improve IoT authentication and deliver novel approaches, algorithms, techniques, and systems through the following thrusts. Thrust 1: Authentication for UI-Constrained Devices. A protocol that supports mutual authentication, over an insecure wireless channel, to establish trust between a UI-constrained device and the user to support authentication for heterogeneous IoT devices. Thrust 2: Authentication for Distance-Constrained Devices. A highly usable approach enables secure authentication between an IoT device and the user even when they are multiple meters apart, which has applications ranging from drone delivery to ride sharing. Thrust 3: Authentication for Operation-Constrained Devices. For traditional objects retrofitted with zero-UI sensor nodes, AI-assisted implicit authentication enables recognizing a user without requiring any explicit authentication operations. In sum, the research seeks to substantially advance IoT authentication and foster a variety of IoT applications.


Magellan Scholars: Spring 2022

We congratulate the following Computer Science/Engineering undergraduate students for receiving a Magellan Scholar Award for Spring 2022.

  • Ian McDowell and Rahul Bulusu with the project "Drone-based Multimodal Surveying for Outdoor 5G Millimeter-Wave Picocell Placement"
  • Cassidy Carter for "Detection and discovery of structural motifs in crystal materials using quotient graphs"
  • James Seekings for "Attention Tracking for Intuitive Robot Tutors using Neuromorphic Computing"
  • Edward Sitar for "5G Millimeter-Wave Enabled At-Home Human Silhouette Estimation"
  • Corinne Smith for "A network of UAV deployable sensor packages for monitoring hydraulic parameters during severe weather events"
  • Lexington Whalen for "The Wordification Project"

Dr. Tong, Dr. Huang and Dr. Cole Receive Research Awards

We are to announce the following research awards received by CSE department faculty:

Dr. Yan Tong received an award from Clemson University/SCRA for the project "Modernizing South Carolina Manufacturing Assets to Enable Industry 4.0"

Dr. Chin-Tser Huang received an award from Clemson/USDOT for the project "A Machine Learning-Assisted Framework for Determination of Performance Degradation Causes and Selection of Channel Switching Strategy in Vehicular Networks"

Dr. Casey Cole received an award from the US Department of Education (USDE) for the project "University of South Carolina – Transition to Teaching Residency"

Dr Homay Valafar Receives Bioinformatics Research Awards

Dr. Homay Valafar has received the following research awards:

  • “South Carolina IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (SC INBRE) - Bioinformatics Core (BIPP) - Year 2 of 5”  from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)/NIH
  • “Targeting important behaviors for weight loss through the use of social gaming and points: The Social Pounds Off Digitally (Social POD) study” from the National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)/NIH.