Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 08:30 am
Amoco Hall, Swearingen
Come and see 21 Senior Capstone project demos. This year we have everything, from mobile apps to webapps to even some hardware projects. We have
  • 10 web applications, a couple of them mobile-optimized, most of them using responsive design
  • 5 Android applications
  • 1 iOS apps
  • 1 PhoneGap app, compiled to iOS and Android
  • 1 Unity app, compiled to Android, iOS, and web
  • 1 Erlang project, with some JavaScript for visualization
  • 2 hardware projects using raspberryPis with various attachments
You can watch videos of the apps or come to this event and watch them live! We have approximate scheduled times for each team. More details here.