Salaries for CS and Engineering Grads to Rise By BYC Newsfeed, On 2/12/10 5:36 PM Graduates in the Class of 2010 with computer-related or engineering degrees can expect to see slightly higher starting salary offers when compared with last year's class, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers winter salary survey. What's more, the association’s entire list of the 10 top-paid bachelor’s degrees is comprised of only majors in these specific disciplines. The average salary for 2010 graduates with bachelor's degrees in either computer programming, computer science, computer systems analysis or information sciences/systems is $59,570, up 6.1 percent when compared with last year. Engineering graduates’ median salary is $59,245, 1.2 percent more than in 2009. The association ranked a computer science degree as the fourth-highest-paying bachelor’s degree at an average salary of $61,205. Computer engineering immediately followed at $60,879, while electrical/electronics and communications engineering took the No. 6 spot at $59,074. Information sciences and systems rounded out the list at $54,038. Meanwhile, other students completing their undergraduate studies won’t fare as well. The overall average salary for 2010 graduates with a bachelor's is down 2 percent to $48,351.