Wednesday, November 28, 2012 - 09:00 am
In this interactive walk-through, we will create a custom application from scratch using proven Microsoft tools and technologies and a healthy dose of new approaches to software development. This session will demonstrate how easy it can be to create rich single page applications and robust client experiences while still leveraging .NET languages and tools to define the bulk of the business logic and processes (not just a tangled mess of JavaScript). While this will be a high-level demonstration, it still show how to handle hard-core problems like symmetric client and server-side template rendering, complex custom validation and event-driven model manipulation using both client and server-side rules. Though the problems solved will be hard, the solutions demonstrated will be both elegant and easy to understand. This is an invited talk by Jamie Thomas. This talk is part of CSCE 242 but is open to all students. Jamie Thomas is the Director of Software Development at VC3, an IT and software services company, headquartered here in downtown Columbia, in the IT-ology building.