Monday, November 17, 2014 - 07:00 pm
Honors Residence Hall B111
Interested in the future implications of Artificial Intelligence? Enjoy a good philosophical and scientific discussion? Come to ASBMB's Science and Philosophy event "Artificial Intelligence - Will the Machines Take Over?", discussing the future implications of Artificial Intelligence from many different viewpoints! The event will feature a panel of professors from many different disciplines; Dr. Michael Huhns and Dr. Marco Valtorta of the Computer Science and Engineering Departments, Dr. Susan Vanderborg of the English Department, Dr. Joseph November of the History Department, and Dr. Michael Dickson - the department chair of the Philosophy Department. The event will be at 7 pm on November 17th (NEXT MONDAY), in Honors Residence Hall B111. All majors are welcome, and refreshments will be served!