Homework 07

Sorting Laundry
Due 04/05/2024 by 11:55pm



Write a program that will sort a basket of clothes into their proper drawers.  If you were not aware you are sort clothes by their type in this order:



[Clothing] Type: <<Type>> Color: <<Color>>

Where values in “<<>>” correspond to instance variable values.



Example Dialog:

*The following Example Dialog demonstrates the interactions between a user and ONE possible implementation of the required software’s front-end / user interface. The software’s front-end / user interface may be implemented in MANY different ways and will receive full credit as long as it meets the most minimal of the above requirements. While you may use the example dialog as a guide, it is strongly encouraged to create the front-end / user interface in your own way. *


Unhighlighted Text

Program’s Output

Highlighted Text

User’s Input



Welcome to the dresser!

Enter 1: to add an item

Enter 2: to remove an item

Enter 3: to print out the dresser contents

Enter 9: to quit


Enter the type

It may be undergarment, socks, stockings, top, bottom, or cape


Enter a color

It may be brown, pink, orange, green, blue, purple, or grey



Enter 1: to add an item

Enter 2: to remove an item

Enter 3: to print out the dresser contents

Enter 9: to quit


Enter the type

It may be undergarment, socks, stockings, top, bottom, or cape


Enter a color

It may be brown, pink, orange, green, blue, purple, or grey



Enter 1: to add an item

Enter 2: to remove an item

Enter 3: to print out the dresser contents

Enter 9: to quit


Enter the type

It may be undergarment, socks, stockings, top, bottom, or cape


Enter a color

It may be brown, pink, orange, green, blue, purple, or grey



Enter 1: to add an item

Enter 2: to remove an item

Enter 3: to print out the dresser contents

Enter 9: to quit


Enter the type

It may be undergarment, socks, stockings, top, bottom, or cape


Enter a color

It may be brown, pink, orange, green, blue, purple, or grey



Enter 1: to add an item

Enter 2: to remove an item

Enter 3: to print out the dresser contents

Enter 9: to quit


Enter the type

It may be undergarment, socks, stockings, top, bottom, or cape


Enter a color

It may be brown, pink, orange, green, blue, purple, or grey



Enter 1: to add an item

Enter 2: to remove an item

Enter 3: to print out the dresser contents

Enter 9: to quit


Drawer 0

undergarment pink


Drawer 1

socks grey


Drawer 2

top red


Drawer 3


Drawer 4

cape purple

cape blue


Enter 1: to add an item

Enter 2: to remove an item

Enter 3: to print out the dresser contents

Enter 9: to quit


Enter the type

It may be undergarment, socks, stockings, top, bottom, or cape


Enter a color

It may be brown, pink, orange, green, blue, purple, or grey



Enter 1: to add an item

Enter 2: to remove an item

Enter 3: to print out the dresser contents

Enter 9: to quit


Drawer 0

undergarment pink


Drawer 1


Drawer 2

top red


Drawer 3


Drawer 4

cape purple

cape blue


Enter 1: to add an item

Enter 2: to remove an item

Enter 3: to print out the dresser contents

Enter 9: to quit






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